Pineapple with a twist! Designing with vegan leather substitute
Target groups: Secondary level I, Secondary level II
Conserving resources stitch by stitch. This is possible with a byproduct of the pineapple harvest. No additional resources such as water, fertilizers or the use of pesticides are necessary for "pineapple leather". The material is nevertheless durable, water-repellent and 100% vegan. Designers have been concerned with the topic of sustainability for a long time. Many objects in this regard can also be shown in the permanent exhibition Art + Design in Dialogue: from the "rag plate" to the "Rover 2-Seater" to a recyclable "Inflatable Stool" by Verner Panton by Verpan.
Sometimes they were born out of necessity or an anti-attitude, but they were still forward-looking. After we have gained an overview of designers, materials and motives, we sew ourselves a piece of "climate protection for your pocket".
Suitable from grade 8
Group size: max. 30 | Duration: 120 minutes
Flat rate: €80 | Material: €20 | Weekends/holidays: plus €20 | Foreign language: plus €20 | Multiple groups in parallel: not possible